Sunday, May 08, 2011

christian state

There is one way to gauge if several Christian groups which denied it had any part or discussed de-Islamizing the Malaysian Constitution. Get all this fellows to openly declare that they have no such ambition and would continue to uphold Islam as the official religion of the country.

Following an Utusan report, citing several blogs that revealed that there the Church leaders had discussed plans to sack Islam as the official religion of the country and turn the country into a Christian nation, several representative of Christian groups have denied discussing such plans.

The organizers of the Christian meeting — National Evangelical Christian Fellowship, Global Day of Prayer, Marketplace Penang and Penang Pastors Fellowship — denied that any such vow was taken by the pastors.

“The organizer vehemently denies such a claim as being unfounded and totally untrue, aimed at creating division and social disharmony in the multi-ethnic society of Malaysia, and appears to be seditious,” they said in a statement released to the media last week.

If that is the case then they should make a public declaration that they support the Constitutionality of Islam as the official religion.
Come on brothers say and be dammed? We know these cowards will never do such a thing because at the back of their mind is the fanatical obsession to Christianize the infidels. It has always been with most Christian sects, especially the born again craze ones.

Many observers think that the appearance of such a flaming report has to do with the political inroads made by DAP, a predominantly Chinese party with a long history of hatred for the Malay dominated major partner in the ruling government- UMNO or United Malay National Organisations.

The timing of such a report, just after the Sarawak elections where the DAP managed to win in Chinese majority areas bespeaks of the Barisan Nasiona's concern with the worrying voting trend of the Chinese.

If such a trend continues into the next general election then the BN may have a tough time trying to retain its 2/3 majority in Parliament. It may even face the prospect of being the Opposition.

But the consequences of BN losing may not be good for the Chinese! Yes the Opposition may be able to bring about some political changes and among them will be redefining Malay privileges and greater state allocation for Chinese and Tamil schools and places of worship for other religions.

And when such new policies start being implemented and the Malay come out of their stupor then the real trouble will start.

The majority of the Chinese must realize that they cant just run away to another country when trouble starts. They rich ones who are pro DAP and have nothing to lose for their Children are all out of school and can leave the country and find a livelihood elsewhere. They have all the time to dabble in politics and find fault with the present government. However bad the government is there is a chance for many of us to find a livelihood and send our children to school so they can get away from this pro-Malay government. But you may not have a chance to send your children to school when trouble erupts.

Just look at Iraq, the people who were fighting for chance did not even make up 5 per cent of the population. Most went about their daily chores, trying to put their children through university thinking they may find a better place elsewhere.

When all hell broke lose the Western powers came to restore democracy and a just government and got rid of Saddam Hussin. Now even the pro-reform movement is regretting because they cannot do anything there. They cant even send their children to school or carve out a decent livelihood. By the time some semblance of a workable government is in place their children would have long passed their schooling age.

1 comment:

DIASPORA said...

What difference does it make to the 90% of the rakyat eking out a living as to what type of religious state we are living in. So far as we know Malaysia is a Constitutional monarchy. Islam is the Religion of the Federation. Why quibble some more unless the fanatics have no othe work but want to get some more APs, alienated land, contracts, crutches etc. How long can crutches stand. It is said that by 2030 that the Bumiputra population will be 87%. Who will then pay for the crutches???
