Sunday, March 21, 2010

So what if Pakatan failed to capture Putrajaya

The crossovers that did not take place and Putrajaya did not fall! So what. Everybody knows that rhetorics is the game of politicians and not only the Opposition but Barisan and Umno too have used it time and again to baffle and dazzle the rakyat, out of their stuper.
How many times have Umno politicans and MPs said that Kelantan will fall but the dream is yet to be realised. So is it a big deal if Pakatan leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had failed to take Putrayaja?
To entertain Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim's "revelations" that he quit because these things did not happen makes own ask what his real political struggle is all about.
Political struggles are life long. You join a political party because you subscribe to its foundamental principles.
It could be anything the party sets out to achieve to change. But is it a long drawn out struggle and no political party has managed to come to power overnight.
Umno,for whatever it is or has become has a long history of sruggle and a large number of its members have worked hard to keep the party in power without expecting anything in return thinking it is the bastion of Malay and bumiputera power.
And the non-Malays, through MCA and MIC have acquised to the power sharing and propotionate distribution of wealth and other things according to race ie each race according to its percentage of the population, as it was the only option other than anarchy open to them.
But now after nearly 50 years, people are beginning to believe that Barisan has served its purpose and even the Malays, for the first time think that racial politics have to make way for a new set of political ideas to take Malaysia forward.
And Rakatan has come to embody this new political reality and party members need to work at it and the going is bound to get tough and the tough will get going but the weaklings and the opportunists who do not embody these ideals and spirit will quit,jump ship or perish.

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