Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How to explain

Engaging US lobby shop APCO Worldwide to prop up Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's image has become an issue with the Opposition who got a beating in Parliament when it tried to link the Jew-infested lobby group to Tel Aviv's 1Isreal slogan and Najib's I Malaysia campaign.
True Apco had nothing to do with the creation of the 1Isreal slogan but it has among its bosses Jews and former advisors to the Israeli prime minister.
Although there was no connection between Apco and the creation of 1Israel the underlying point the Opposition was trying to hammer home is the hypocracy of the Najib administration.
As Pakatan Rakyat MP and lawyer Yusmadi Yusoff pointed out in Parliament that on one hand the government was trying to distance itself from Tel Aviv and on the other hand the prime minister has engaged the services of a lobbyist company which has not only worked for the zionist regime but was filled at the top with people of Jewish descent.
How will Najib explain the inconsistency to the people?

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